SL Conversations 2 Online Life and love

Conversation with Meijui about online sex:

[7:02]  Razor Indigo: the thing that separates people from avatars is their consideration of others.

[7:02]  Meijui Tokyoska: mmhmm yes

[7:03]  Razor Indigo: If you have sex with an avatar you have had sex with an avatar.  If you have sex with a person, you shared something.

Converstaion with Dee about online life:

[23:06]  Razor Indigo: SL doesn't let you hold onto your friends

[23:07]  Razor Indigo: It is like life accelerated.

[23:07]  DeeBurrows Bleac: yeah. Turbo dating. 5 minutes from hi to bye and nothing really there but need and hope.

[23:09]  Razor Indigo: those are pretty important things Dee.

[23:09]  DeeBurrows Bleac: yeah but you know me Razor. I don't deal in platitudes

[23:10]  Razor Indigo: You know, I thought I knew you, but you keep surprising me.

[23:10]  DeeBurrows Bleac: how so?

[23:10]  Razor Indigo: you just do things I never would see as you.

[23:12]  DeeBurrows Bleac: Well, I am not exactly a complete person online. No consequences, no embarrassments, no one really giving a darn. Why not be different?

[23:13]  DeeBurrows Bleac: Fenix told me that. He said the most outrageous things in RL are just normal on SL, so enjoy things that you would never do.

[23:14]  Razor Indigo: Sounds like very good advice. Who is this Fenix?

[23:14]  DeeBurrows Bleac: a founding member of Sl I met a while back. Just before I became a cat.

[23:15]  Razor Indigo: oh right. you told me about him. the guy who built Paris in a rabbit avatar.

[23:15]  DeeBurrows Bleac: yes, I learned some from him and then went to the ivory tower of prims.

[23:15]  Razor Indigo: you know.. we should go back there and relearn things.

[23:16]  DeeBurrows Bleac: Hmm The ivory tower might be nice to revisit.

[23:17]  Razor Indigo: if you have time.

[23:17]  DeeBurrows Bleac: Yeah.

[23:18]  DeeBurrows Bleac: well I shuold get some sleep, and so should you old lady.

[23:18]  Razor Indigo: yeah right Granny Dee.

[23:18]  DeeBurrows Bleac grins

[23:18]  DeeBurrows Bleac: Night sweetheart.

[23:19]  Razor Indigo: Night.

[23:19]  DeeBurrows Bleac is Offline

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