Catseye Comics Issue 1- The White Tiger Saga supports the following charities:
WWF World Wildlife Fund. - www.worldwildlife.org
The world Wildlife Fund has many wildlife conservation issues including the attempt to assist in restoring wildlife habitats for tigers. Visit their website for specific information.
Carolina Tiger Rescue - www.carolinatigerrescue.org
The Carolina Tiger rescue is exactly what it sounds like, a rescue organization that focusses on big cats and similar species since the 1970s.
While the cats at this rescue are not able to be returned to the wild like the one in our story, they are alive and in need of food, shelter and other basic needs. CTP provides that. If you wish to help them, please visit their website and volunteer or donate.
Conservators Center - www.conservatorscenter.org
"In order to save a species, you must preserve an entire ecosystem." Conservators center does that with conservation, education and rescue. They rescue animals that no other rescues will, and they support these animals for life. To volunteer or to donate, visit their website.