About us..

Catseye Comics is a new comic company. We were formed in 2014 after 4 years of preliminary work.  Although we have not yet gotten Non Profit Corporation status we are a non profit.   Our creators are unpaid volunteers, with our income after production expenses going to charities as listed in the books.  With income paying others, we have not raised the money for the government Non Profit status ($450).  

About our Stories:

We believe comics should be for all ages, not just adults.   We use the heroic ideal as a way to show everyone what they can accomplish if they try.  We promote old values of  heroes being heroes, and antiheroes being villains.  

We emphasize feminine roles in our comics as we feel female heroes have been continuously undermined by many popular comic companies.  We wish to make girls and women proud to be who they are, not consign them to the background.  We do this by not under powering the males, but rather focussing on the females and treating them as equals, including our use of the word hero for BOTH male and female heroes. 

Our stories contain emotionalism and character interplay as much, if not more, than combat and action.  Mysteries, characters, and storylines are more the focus than combat.

About our Graphics:

 Our books are made from 3D computer graphics. We do this for a very specific reason. We do not have hand drawn pages because we have yet to find an hand drawing artist who will draw the panels for no pay, like our other volunteers.  Because of the lack of contributing hand artists,  our volunteers use the only artistic ability we have, computer art.  We build the sets in the 3D world of Linden Lab’s SecondLife.  We then create the characters and their clothing props and special effects for our stories in that same world.  We pose the 3D characters renderings in the 3D world and create each and every picture in our books one at a time.  With this method we create between 300 and 800 images for each book.  While it is not the classic comic look, it is still amazing work, and it is still all original, and all made by the listed writers and graphics staff. 

If you are a classic hand drawing artist and wish to join our staff and create hand drawn art, we welcome your help. Just understand, our graphic novels money is dedicated not to our own income, but to fund raising for charities and heroic causes.

Contact us:

Editor In Chief - Ai Kikuchiyo 

Head Writer - Razor Indigo

Public Liaison - Steve Stone

Phone us at 855-catsi84 (855-228-7484)

 Call - (855) 228-7484

email: Info@catseyecomics.com

Mailing address: 

4501 New Bern Avenue, 

#130-333 Raleigh NC 27610

Offices at:

 315 Hubert St, 

Suite 206

Raleigh NC 27603

Visit our Facebook page at: 


Or email us:   Info@catseyecomics.com

Email the webmaster:   VReflections@yahoo.com

All images and text are © Catseye Comics Inc 2014 All rights reserved.  No duplication of any kind is authorized.